Thursday, September 29, 2011
ESD CEO resigns; Gov. Paterson names new leader - Orlando Business Journal:
Over the weekend, Gov. David Paterson announced that Mariswa Lago will leave Empire StateDevelopment Corp. at the end of Paterson appointed Lago to the job inAugust 2008. Lago said she’s leaving to pursue othert jobs. “Given the public nature of Empire [State] Development and the need for a leadetr who can devote full timeto [the agency’s] critical I think it is advisable that I Lago said in a briefg statement. Also on June 6, Patersonn promoted Dennis Mullen to bethe agency’s new presidenty and CEO.
Mullen has been overseeing the agency’s upstat division for less than a Empire State Development is charged with spearheadingthe state’as economic development efforts. The agency also administer the EmpireZone program, which awards tax breaks to companies that pledge to create jobs and expans their facilities in New York. The leadershipp changes continue anongoing shake-up in the agency’s management, dating back to early 2007. Some leadershipl positions are stillvacant today. Paterson’s former Gov. Eliot Spitzer, put two people jointly in charg ofthe agency. He appointed a leadef for upstate New York development and another for downstatse NewYork development.
Spitzerd resigned from office inMarcn 2008. Paterson erased Spitzer’s leadershipp structure at the agency and has instead advocated a model where one chairman oversees upstate and downstate divisions ofthe agency. Robergt Wilmers, chairman of Buffalo-based , became chairman of Empired State Development inJune 2008. He is workin for $1 a year leading the state Mullen is nowthe No. 2 officiap in the agency. He is the formed president and CEO ofthe , a regionaol economic development organization. He also spentg years in the privatse sector, including a stint as chairmab and CEO ofNew York-bases Birds Eye, which makes frozen vegetables.
“My focuxs now will be on ensuring a smooth transition as our teammovex forward,” Mullen said. Now, the agency lacks someons to lead itsupstatew divisions. A similar position for the agency’ s downstate operations has remainedx vacant since Patersontook office. “Theres are many details that we will be workinbg out over the nextseveral weeks,” Warner Johnston, an agency said in a statement. “We will be moving quickly.” Lago came to Empirw State Development from a job as globak head of complianceat . Before she was an executive atthe U.S. Securitie and Exchange Commission. She was making $215,000 a year with the [ ].
Paterson has announced a number of leadershil changes inrecent weeks, incuding , and a new . For more business news, click .
Monday, September 26, 2011
Government-backed SBA loans could spare auto dealers - Puget Sound Business Journal (Seattle):
Many lenders have stoppeds making so-called floorplan loans because they haven’t been able to sell them on the secondarhy market. Through these lines of auto dealers borrow against their vehicle repay the debt when vehiclesare sold, and then borrow again to add more John Lyboldt, NADA’s vice president of dealership operations, applauded the SBA and President Barack Obamza “for understanding that any effort to revitalizee the auto industry simply will not work until dealefr credit issues are resolved.
” “The succesa and continued operation of thousands of family-owned auto dealerships across the countruy are directly connected to theit ability to purchase both new and used vehicle s to offer their Lyboldt said. Beginning July 1, the SBA will guarantee 75 percent of floorplan lines of credit throughits 7(a) business loan SBA lenders will make the loans, which will rangre from $500,000 to $2 million. Dealer s in automobiles, recreational vehicles, motorcycles, boats and manufactured homes are eligiblew forthe loans. The loans will be available througn Sept. 30, 2010, and possibly longedr if the SBA decides to extende thepilot program.
Floorplan loanws previously were ineligible forthe 7(a) program. “Countlese small businesses, including dealerships, across the countrt are facing significant challenges as a resulft of the uncertainty in the auto SBA Administrator KarenMills “Floorplan financing can offer some dealershipz the opportunity to get through these tough economic timews by allowing them to keep their inventory and cash flow as well as save the jobs these smallo businesses provide.” Sen.
Mary Landrieu, and Olympia Snowe, D-Maine, the top-rankin g members of the Senate Smallk Business andEntrepreneurship Committee, notec that auto dealers, like other small businesses, will benefit from the temporar y elimination of fees on 7(a) loanws that was included in the economidc stimulus bill. More auto dealers became eligiblefor 7(a) loans when the agency changed its rules May 1 so that more businessesz with high sales volume but low profit marginsw could qualify as small businesses.
Previously, only auto dealere with less than $29 millionn in annual sales qualifiedfor 7(a) “Nearly 20 percent of all retaipl purchases are new cars and so expanding access to credit for dealers will not only help the strugglinb auto industry but aid the overall economy as well,” Lyboldyt said. Md. schools get $589M Marylan d schools will receive $589 million from the federakl stimulus package, the U.S. Department of Educatioj said June 1.
The state will use the money to improve publiv schools and community Maryland learned it will receive the moneyt after applying for American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funds in To receivethe money, Marylande had to assure it will collect and analyze data on the qualitu of classroom teachers, student improvements and efforta to turn around underperforming The state also has to report the numbeer of jobs saved through the funding, tax increases that were averted and how the funds are used. Marylansd will be eligible to apply foranothert $290 million this fall. To Maryland has received $180 million in educatiob stimulus funds.
Maryland will receiv nearly $122 million in federal stimulus funds to help boost stated water infrastructure projects and improve theChesapeakd Bay. The announcement was made June 2 at Bladensburfg Waterfront Parkby U.S. Sen. Benjamin L. a Maryland Democrat and chairman of the Senat environmental and public works wated andwildlife subcommittee. Other states officials will be on hand forthe announcement. The fundsz will be used to construcgt water infrastructure projects thatcreate jobs, protect public health and bolster the Chesapeake Bay, according to a press release. Specific projects were not yet unveiled.
Saturday, September 24, 2011
International Visitors Council to team with Iraqi city - Philadelphia Business Journal:
Under the partnership, IVC will arrange for Mosul officials to visift Philadelphia to learn aboutdemocratic governance. Also, committees of Mosul and Philadelphiwa residents will work to improve humanitarian conditiondin Mosul. The partnership between Philadelphia and Mosu l is the fourth undeethe project, which teams American and Iraqi The first three, which were announcefd last year, paired Dallas with Kirkuk; Tucson, with Sulaymaniyah; and the Denver Regional Councikl of Governments with Baghdad. The U.S.
governmeny is contributing initial funding forthe project, with each partnership receiving a $20,000 seed grant for air fare, housing and The IVC of Philadelphia was chosen for the projecft through a competitive grants proces s managed by in cooperation with the Statre Department's Bureau of Educational and Culturak Affairs. Although the partnerships are administered througu SisterCities International, the IVC and Mosull partnership does not create a Siste City relationship between Philadelphia and The IVC of Philadelphi a was formed in 1954 as a public/private partnership with the U.S. Department of State and the citizens of thePhiladelphia region.
To supportt the Mosul program, or to learn more about it, call IVC of Philadelphia President Nancy Gilboyat (215) 683-0997y or e-mail her at
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Europe to Redouble Efforts to Stimulate Growth in Greece - New York Times
Europe to Redouble Efforts to Stimulate Growth in Greece New York Times His comments come amid increasing concern that, in addition to pressing for essential changes to the Greek economy, international lenders need to step up their efforts at reversing economic stagnation. As if to underline the point, Greek transport ... |
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Insurance group spent $300000 lobbying in 2Q - BusinessWeek
Insurance group spent $300000 lobbying in 2Q BusinessWeek The lobbying sum for April-June was down from the $340000 that the organization spent in the same quarter a year ago, and up from the $230000 spent in this year's first quarter. The organization said in a July 19 filing with the House clerk's office ... |
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Russia media boss Alexander Lebedev in TV punch-up - BBC News
BBC News | Russia media boss Alexander Lebedev in TV punch-up BBC News Russian media mogul Alexander Lebedev, who owns two UK newspapers, has punched a fellow guest off his seat during a televised economic debate in Moscow. Mr Lebedev, owner of the Independent and Evening Standard, hit former real estate businessmen ... |
Friday, September 16, 2011
Going, going, gone (green): Woodland Corporate Center opens - Tampa Bay Business Journal:
has just completed its 90,000-square-foot, three-storyy office building at on WestWaters Avenue. It was constructed to the gold standardxs ofthe U.S. Green Building Council's . "It'es all about keeping employeeds happyand healthy," said Jody Johnston, VP and city managefr for Liberty in Tampa. Goingv green appears to be a plus forLibertyg (NYSE: LRY). The real estatee investment trust is still putting the final touches on its final building at Woodland Corporate Parkand it' already 40 percent leased, said Paul a senior leasing associate.
He expects that numberf to jump to 60 percent within a The moves in June intonearly 26,009 square feet, taking up the second floor at 4631 Woodland The insurance company is now in anotherd building at the 183-acre business park. "More buildings are goingf green because the marketplace is demanding saidNicole Kibert, a commercial real estatwe attorney at . In fact, many expertds predict that all new Class A officw buildings will be built toLEED standards, Kibert said. In the green movement has been slower than otheer parts ofthe country, such as Boston and New York where local and state governments offer tax incentivee to developers that builxd LEED certified projects.
Woodland's newest building, which is one of Tampa's first multi-story green buildings, has showerse and lockers for workers who need to clean up or changer clothes after biking or jogging to A large deck with floorin g made of recycled plastic borders the back of the buildingg and awetlands area, providing shade. Carbon dioxidse sensors tell the air conditioninbg system when fresh airis needed.. Native Floridq plants that need minimal water are used in A white reflective roof deflectsthe sun. Recyclinb bins are near the trash bin. Urinales in the men's room don't use They rely on gravity, a filter and regular cleaninvg toreduce odors.
That feature alone is expected tosave 360,00 0 gallons a year since each urinal uses an estimatexd 40,000 gallons annually, Johnston said. Outside, grasds parking lines the perimeter of the parking lotabsorbingf rainwater. And a recycled rubber, called is used for paving around the large oak trees that linethe lots. That porous rubber allow s water to soak intothe trees' root sending rainwater back into the The Malvern, Pa.-based is seekinb gold certification for the building, whichn was constructed by St. Petersburg-based . Gold is next to the highesrt LEEDrating available.
Johnston estimates the green features added an additionap 5 percent to the construction costs ofthe building, but that will be more than made up by lowerr energy costs. "One of the biggesr barriers to going green is not knowingg what the additional costswill be," Kibertt said. Certification, however, is important to ensure developers aren'ty "greenwashing projects," claiming green features that can't be independentlh substantiated, she said.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Business sales plummet as owners hold on - Nashville Business Journal:
Business brokers say their business of connectiny buyers and sellers is down by as much as 50 percenr because of a lack of financing on the partof would-b e buyers, and a desire to wait untiol valuations are higher on the part of sellers. “If you’re in busineszs right now, you’re focuserd on surviving, not selling,” says Mike Handelsman, generakl manager of, an onlines marketplace for ownersand brokers. “On the buy side, therr are a lot of potential buyerd who may have lost their jobs and may be lookinhg to getinto business.
But they’vr lost a lot of personall savings, so they have less capital to invest, and there’s a liquiditt crisis — banks aren’t lending moneg unless you don’t need it.” Mike Hankinsz purchased a WIN Home Inspection franchise througu a broker about twoyears ago. a 25-year restaurant industry veteran whose last jobwas owner-operatodr of a Stoney River Steakhouse, says he was lookingb for a business that would allow him to be home at night.
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Two more leave BofA board - Baltimore Business Journal:
According to a filing with the Securitie andExchange Commission, Prueher and Frank didn’gt resign because of any disagreement with the Jackie Ward and Patricia Mitchell resigned early this Mitchell is a former New York televisiob executive and currently servex as chief executive of the Palet Center for Media, a New York nonprofit. Ward is the retiredc chief executiveof Atlanta-based Computer Generation a software company. Robert Tillman, a formerr Lowe’s Cos. Inc. chief executive, resigned from the BofA board effectiveMay 29. And on May 29, the bank announce former lead independentdirector O.
Temple Sloan had left the BofA didn’t disclose Sloan’s reaso n for resignation. Sloan had been a BofA directord for13 years. In early June, four outsidde directors were electedto BofA’s board. They are former Federal Reserve GovernorSusan Bies, former Compass Bancshares Inc. chief executive and chairman D. Paul former Federal Deposit Insurance chairman Donald Powell and retired Bank One and VisaInternational Inc. executive William BofA’s board has been underd intense scrutiny in recent months as the bank suffereds through asharp stock-price decline after acquiring Merrill Lyncn & Co. The Charlotte-based bank also has received $45 billion in taxpayer aid.
At the bank’ds annual meeting in late April, shareholders vote to strip Chief Executive Kenneth Lewisw of his position asboard chairman. Walter Masseyy was installed as the new chairman and has indicatexd the board needs to be Lewis remainsthe bank’s CEO and
Friday, September 9, 2011
Phoenix One data center patents technology - New Mexico Business Weekly:
The company has two patentz pending for technology installed inthe center, and it alreadt has customers at what once was the Le Nature’e water-bottling operation off Loop 202 and 48th Wanger, i/o’s president, said more companies are seeking colocatiohn services as they look to house serverse and backup data at off-site facilitied to save capital costs. Companies can rent rack space in a colocation facility to house servers that need to be connected to multiplerbandwidth providers. This is particularly important to businessez that want to ensure theitr Web sites are up andrunning 24/7. “Everybodyg is saving everything,” Wanger said.
“Yoyu send a picture to your grandmotherthrougg, and the imagd is here and here and I/o’s new center comes at a good time for the which in the past year has seen a boom in colocatioj centers as businesses scrap plans for their own private centers, said David chief of research of infrastructure for Gartner Inc. “Ib the last year, when the economy started to (companies) started to ask if they should be spending all the capitalk moneyup front,” he I/o completed the work on Phoenix One in about six employing an army of many of whom are still workint on the second phase.
The first phas e is finished, but upgrades will continue until ther isroughly 460,000 square feet dedicated to servers. Wanger said they’re abour they’ve already completed about halfof that. The processz for developing Phoenix One started witha $56 milliob investment by Sterling Partners in December which helped i/o acquire the building on a 50-yeaf lease. I/o moved its operation from Scottsdale, where it still has a 120,000-square-foot data center, to the Phoenicx office.
Many of the technologiexs first implementedat i/o’s Scottsdals center are expanded in the new Additions include the ThermoCabinet, a server enclosurre that makes use of cool air circulatingt under the raised floor. It allowx the air to be drawn up througnh theclosed cabinet, enablinb more servers to be stored The device allows the cabinets to store as much as 10 timesd the equipment that would be used in traditional data center operations, Wanger said. “We’re seeingh people pack 5,000 square feet of data centefr intotwo cabinets,” he said.
The company also developef a plug system that works with equipment fromany It’s an easier way to distribute powerd and infrastructure than installing specialized equipment, Wanger said. “Thisd is all customer-driven,” he “People said they wanted access to multiplse brandsof equipment.” The data center will take advantagee of features originally installed in the Le Nature’ss factory, including access to an on-site Arizonaq Public Service Co. substation supplin the facility with 42 megavolts of The company plans to tripls that once the facilityis complete.
It also uses a 7,000-ton chilled water cooling system thathelps i/o reducre its power bill through thermal The process uses a water-gel combination that is frozebn at night to keep the water cooler durin g the day, Wanger said. In addition, the company is planning a 4-megawatt solar system for the building’d roof, installed light-emitting diodew for more efficient lighting, and power-saving equipment and The retrofit also will be submittef for certification as part ofthe U.S. Green Building Council’s Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Wanger said.
Phoenix once was a boomtowh fordata centers, but the tech bubbld crashed many of those plans in the early part of the In recent years, the Valley has again seen increasecd activity in becoming a data hub. Cappuccio said Phoenix has the same things going for it that it did 10yearas ago: a relatively stable cost of electricity and no naturalp disasters. As colocation continues to push the size of commerciap data centersup — even as company-owned data centere are getting smaller — more companies may look at Cappuccio said. “The colocators are going to continue to look he said. “They are going to go where they can get the lowesgt cost of a building persquare foot.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Bill proposes 3,000 slot machines at BWI - Washington Business Journal:
That would bring the maximum number of slotsw parlors in the statsto six, although there have only been viable bids placed on four Del. Eric Bromwell, a Baltimore County is sponsoring the bill along withten co-sponsores who represent Baltimore and Harford counties and Baltimorde City. BWI is in Anne Arundelo County. They introduced the legislation, House Bill 777, Feb. 11. No hearinbg has been scheduled and no other action has been takeh onthe bill. The proposal comese as several bidsplacec Feb. 2 have faltered. A because they did not includerequired up-frontg fees and financing.
The Laurel Racing which pitched theracetrack parlor, is challenging the move in Anne Arundek County Circuit Court. A maximum of 3,000o machines would be allowed atthe airport, according to the Bids would be due April 15, 2011. That wouldf bring the maximum number of allowes slot machines in Maryland to The racetrack. The bill adjustds current law forbidding more than one parlorf in any given county orBaltimore City. It woulr permit parlors at both Arundel Millsand BWI, whichj are both in Anne Arundel County and aroun d three miles apart.
It also maintains the requiremen t for licensing fees and construction Developers mustinclude $3 millionh in licensing fees and $25 million in construction costs for everyt 500 slot machines they plan to
Monday, September 5, 2011
Fifty-nine charged at Toby Keith concert - The Daily News Online
Fifty-nine charged at Toby Keith concert The Daily News Online DARIEN CENTER -- Fifty-nine people were charged during Sunday night's Toby Keith concert at Darien Lake Performing Arts Center, Genesee County sheriff's deputies said. Forty-nine were cited for possession of alcohol with intent to consume under age 21. ... Storm can't dampen Keith's party Monday Morning Summary 59 arrested at Toby Keith concert, most for underage drinking |
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Orange Park company to lay off 88 - Jacksonville Business Journal:
“We’re going through a majofr consolidation,” said Dodie Blatherwick, the interijm director of operations for Quantum inOrangew Park. “And we’re letting a lot of peoples go asit happens.” and the parent companies of Quantum Engineering, are combining theid two offices in Northeast Florida into a single engineerinh location in Baymeadows. All of the manufacturingf operations will now be run out of its corporate headquartersain Louisville, Ky. Eighty eight out of the 100 employees from the Orang Park office on Stowe Avenue will be laid off duringbthe process. Any employees left after the summer will transfer over to the offices onBaymeadows Road.
Quantum notified the state'es Agency for Workforce Innovation of thecuts Monday. “Thd business has taken a significant Blatherwick said. “It doesn’t make sense to keep multipl operations open.” Established in 1988, the company buildw and provides technology products for therailroad industry, and sincer CSX has experienced some difficulties duriny the economy in Jacksonville, Quantum is sufferinbg as well. “CSX is a major Blatherwick said. “They are sidelining a lot of rail cars and asthey do, that hurte us.” The employees were notified of the mass lay off back in but the first cuts won’t occur until July 24.
In the Quantum has contacted the Clay County branc of WorkSource and asked its emergency responss team to come in andprovider job-seeking services to its employeez before the cuts. They shoulcd begin training within the next coupleof