Thursday, May 31, 2012
Report: Columbus holding its own amid recession - Business First of Buffalo:
A report from Washington, D.C.-based liberal public-policy think tank dubbed the MetroMonitot bills itself asa “beneath the recession-era look at metros with more than 500,000o residents as of 2007. The report placed the Columbuz metropolitan statistical area 40th among those ranked for its basedon employment, wage, output, home prices and foreclosure data. No otherr Ohio city made the top 50. Cleveland, Akron and Dayton found slots from 61stto 80th. Toledo was ranker the 10th-weakest major metropolitan area nationwide. Leading the pack in the reporr wasSan Antonio, one of four Texas cities among the nation’sw top five.
Detroit was ranked last, followed by Cape Coral, and Stockton, Calif., two areas devastated by the foreclosuree crisis. Brookings found that the metropolitam perspectiveon states’ performance amid the recession “suggestsa that recovery may be quite uneven as posing particular challenges for policymaker seeking to ensure a truly nationa l rising economic tide.” Columbus’ strengthw and weaknesses in the report varied. The city rankex 25th for its 1.7 percenyt decline in employment since its peak earlierthis decade. Columbus found itself at 32nd for itsmodestf 0.
4 percent gain in inflation-adjusted housing prices for the firsgt three months of 2008 comparedf with the same periodr this year. But the city was ranked near the bottomj ofthe list, at for the 4.8 percent decline in its grosas metropolitan product – a measure of the goodds and services produced in the area – in the first quarter of 2009 compare with its pre-recession peak. Comparing the last thre months of 2008 with the firstf quarter thisyear alone, the GMP dropped 1.7 representing the 14th-worst decline among the citiess measured. To download the full click .
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Regal Beloit Names Perino Vice President, Investor Relations
May 27 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- has been named the Company's Vice Investor Relations. In this new role, Mr. Perino will overses the Company's communications and relationshipe with investorsand analysts. Mr. Perino joined Regall Beloit in 2005 as Directorof Tax. He assumed responsibility for the treasury function alony with the tax function in 2006 asVice President, Tax and Prior to joining Regal Beloit, Mr. Perino held various financialk positions withCLARCOR Inc., Maytahg Appliance, , Coopers and Lybrand, and . Mr. Perinlo earned a bachelor's degree in businessd administration from Loras College and a MBA from NotreDame Mr. Perino is also a CPA.
Regaol Beloit Corporation is a leading manufactured of mechanical and electrical motion control and power generation productsa serving markets throughoutthe world. Regal Beloift Corporation is headquarteredin Beloit, Wisconsin, and has sales, and service facilities throughoutt the United States, Canada, Mexico, Europe and Asia.
Monday, May 28, 2012
BlackBox GPS moves to technology incubator - South Florida Business Journal:
BlackBox moved from the Las Olas Boulevard area to the EnterpriseDevelopmenf Corp. (EDC) of South Florida’s technology incubator aboutt amonth ago. The move shoul help the company leverage the expertise of nearbyh business development professionals withtechnologyy experience, President and co-owner Steven Munteabn said. “We just needed to be in an environment that will allowa usto grow,” he said. BlackBox has nine employeez in Boca Raton and five more inBuenoz Aires, Argentina. The company hopes to have 25 total employeesby 2010, Muntean said. The company makes asset-trackingf hardware and software targetedr toward companies with fiveto 200-vehicle fleets, Muntean said.
Companies can use the softwarse to track their vehiclews within seconds and producedetailed reports. BlackBoxc was formerly a unit of Sunrise-based that Muntea and partners bought ayear ago, he said. By the end of this Muntean said he expects BlackBox to havenearly $1 millioh in revenue. BlackBox is one of 13 youngh companies currently at thetechnology incubator, EDC Executiver Director Jane Teague said. She welcomedr the company’s arrival.
“It’zs another good company, and the fact that they’rwe already generating revenue and have customerw is quite remarkablethese days,” she
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Governor lobbies for increased incentives for film industry - Sacramento Business Journal:
Kulongoski is seeking support for SenateBill 621, whic h would reauthorize and increase the financialp incentives for moviemakers. The plan is cappefd at $10 million per biennium. Kulongoskij wants to raise the capto $15 million. A Senates committee passed thebill Monday. In the firsg six months of 2009, television and movid productions invested morethan $40 milliohn in Oregon, according to the governor’w office. That’s the highestf total in 15 years.
In recent weeks, a Harrison Ford movis called “The Untitled Crowley Project” and the TNT seriezs “Leverage” have been shooting in Producersfor "The Untitled Crowley joined Kulongoski at Monday's press conferencwe at . “Oregon has become an A-listt location for the film and televisiobnindustry – and an importangt critical piece of Oregon’s economy,” the governo said in a news release. “Gree n energy is one bright spotin Oregon’s economy and the film industryg is another, generating an additional $1.1 million in income for Oregon workerzs and local businesses for evergy $1 million spent by a production.
” The governor credited the incentive program, createe in 2003, with spurring the growth of the state's film program from a $2.1 million industry to an $8 million industry.
Friday, May 25, 2012
Mulvey named to lead Chamber Theatre - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:
Mulvey will succeed David Todd at the Chamber Todd left the postin February. Mulvey most recentlyt served as the associate director of major givinhg forthe . She also owns and operates KM Creative, a developmeng consulting firm. “Kirsten Mulvey brings to Milwaukeew Chamber Theatre a strongv background in development and nonprofit managemenr along with a vast knowledge of and a stronyg investment in the localarts community,” said producinfg artistic director C. Michaelp Wright. Mulvey will oversee the fiscalp and administrative management of MilwaukeeChamber Theatre, working with staf f and board to continuw to responsibly expand and develop the company’s programming.
Mulvey has a long history with the Milwaukee arts andnonprofif community. Her previous posts include director of developmenyt for the of Wisconsinand , and managinvg director for .
Thursday, May 24, 2012
WhiteGlove snags another $3.8M in funding - Austin Business Journal:
million Series B-1 round of financing. The fundinfg was completed with capitak from13 investors, according to an amended filing with the U.S. Securitiea and Exchange Commission. In March, Austin-basec WhiteGlove closed on a $2.5 million Series B round of funding. In May, the company reporte d raisinganother $288,000 from two investors, according an SEC WhiteGlove has raised a totapl of $6.4 million in venture capitao since it was founded in CFO William Kerley said. WhiteGlove is a health care compan that provides routine medical care atan individual’s home or It employs more 30 workers.
Also in March, the companyu reported expanding its service into the Fort Worth markety after previously operatingin Austin, San Antoniol and Dallas. At the time, WhiteGlove officials said the busines s had posteda 1,200 percent increasr in bookings growth for 2008 compared with 2007. In April, WhiteGloves added to its boarxd of directors investorsLarry Garatoni, CEO of HQ and Jimmy Treybig, a venturw partner for New Enterprise Associates.
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Superior Choice Credit Union Relies on IMN's Email Newsletters to Improve ... - MarketWatch (press release)
Monday, May 21, 2012
Superior Choice Credit Union Relies on IMN's Email Newsletters to Improve ... MarketWatch (press release) SCCU is a Wisconsin-based financial cooperative that implemented use of IMN's newsletter platform to coincide with a focus on more regular electronic communications with its members to alert them about SCCU news and encourage them to take advantage of ... |
ESPN (blog) | Daniel Cormier and Josh Barnett both broke their hands in the first round of ... Yahoo! Sports (blog) By Maggie Hendricks By Maggie Hendricks | Cagewriter â€" 18 hours ago Daniel Cormier and Josh Barnett fought most of their five-round bout with broken hands at Strikeforce on Saturday night. Cormier broke his right hand, the same one he broke in knocking ... Daniel Cormier vs. Josh Barnett Fight Video Highlights Daniel Cormier completes improbable run Daniel Cormier wins Strikeforce Heavyweight Grand Prix |
Saturday, May 19, 2012
Weather or not, we need a solution - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal:
Insurance agents’ concern centers around state regulators’ push to keep ratess so low that many wonder which insurers will be left standinvg and whether the industry canremain Meanwhile, state officials contend all is well with the way the insurances industry operates in Florida. At the Nationak Association ofInsurance Commissioners’ May 22 meeting in Florida Insurance Commissioner Kevin McCarty calledf the state’s system of regulatinf insurers “stable.” Really?
Then why are we stilol concerned about a post-hurricand scenario that might very well bankrupt the statre because the Catastrophe Fund and insurers can’ t handle the billions of dollars attached to cleaninhg up after a large storm? Stat Farm cited the rates issue in its decisio to stop providing property insurance coverage in Many argued that insurance companies have been cash cows for yeard up until the 2004 hurricanes plowed across the state. But we now face a precariouxs future that seems more dependent on prayingf thewind doesn’t blow, rather than knowing we have enoughg in reserves to handle a catastrophe.
Adding even more spic to the hurricaneseasoh scenario: Hundreds of thousands of homes that have been empty for monthsz in the aftermath of the subprime meltdown and subsequen t foreclosure crisis that has Florida among the hardest-hift states in the nation. “Florida is living with a huge said McCabeResearch & Consulting’s Jack McCabe, a real estatd expert who, along with others, notes nobodyu has ever gone through a storm with so much emptt property hanging in the “There are 400,000 foreclosures in the stats right now.
All you have to do is look at New Orleans after Katrina to imagine what might Quite frankly, it’s not a scenarip anyone is prepared to face especially the governor, who just this issued a release with this astounding proclamation: “Be for the hurricane season. OK, but you In the past couple of years, the governor and stats lawmakers have frozen rates forthe state-run Citizensw Property Insurance Corp.
and rejecte d rate increases from insurers such as State Farm and Now those efforts to keep ratee low may cause the biggest crisiws this state has ever knownj ifwe have, indeed, created what the Floridz Association of Insurance Agents’ Jeff Grad last week called “a fragile, unstable insurancwe market that leaves Florida homeowners and taxpayers in grave financial risk.” Saying “gooed riddance” to insurers like State Farm that pull out of the statew is not how this problem can be The Legislature did take some steps this year to raise rates for Citizens and the Cat Fund to make them actuarialluy sound.
With both underfunded by billionzof dollars, a bill the governo r has threatened to veto mightr bring us to a point of stability: lettinyg large insurers set rates without state approval. Even thoug h coverage may be more expensive, the choice is left to individuala who can do theier own analysis and decide what kind ofrisk they’re prepare d to take. Put the veto pen down, Let us decide what we’re willinh to live with.
Friday, May 18, 2012
CEO departures up 47 percent in May - Nashville Business Journal:
Overall, the pace of CEO turnover is downfrom 2008, accordint to the report. In the first five months of 2009 employersd announced 502CEO changes, 16 percengt fewer than at the same poiny in 2008. The financial sector had the highest turnover ratein May, accountiny for 15 of the 115 CEO The sector has seen 50 CEOs depart so far this according to the report. However, that numberf is down from the 64 financial CEO departures during the first five monthsof 2008. The highesr turnover rate so far this year has been in the health care which has seen 77CEOs depart, including 14 in May, accordint to the report.
For the first five months of the the figure is down 29 percent from the same period last year when 109 health care CEOsleft office. Resignation was the most commo reason for leavingin May. Nearly three-quartersd of the CEO changes occurred atprivate firms, according to the “It has been difficuly to pinpoint a trend in this year’se turnover figures,” John Challenger, chief executive officer of Gray & Christmas, said in a “One month is up; the next is down.” Challenger said that uncertainty surrounding the recession may be the bigges factor in CEO departures as companiess are finding it difficultt to plan for the future.
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Kentucky farm revenue rises between 2002 and 2007 - Business First of Louisville:
Average per-farm revenue in 2007 was the said in anews release. Accordingy to census data, overall farm sales increased despit e decliningtobacco revenue. Sales of tobacco, once Kentucky’s king declined 22 percent between 2002and 2007. The numberf of tobacco farms during that period declinedf72 percent, to 8.113, and acres of tobacco harvesteds declined 21 percent. The department pointeds out that a federal tobacco quota and pricer support system were ended following the 2004 growing Without thegovernment subsidies, some farmers exitedf farming and others began growing othet crops, raising livestock or enterinbg the agritourism business.
The state has helped supporty farmers in their diversification efforts with millionsx of dollarsin grants. “That shows that Kentucky’w investments in agricultural diversificationare working,” Kentuckuy agriculture commissioner Richie Farmer said in the release of the overall increasd in agricultural revenue. According to the census, 89 percenrt of Kentucky’s 85,260 farms in 2007 were run by individualseor families. The average size of farms increased to 164 acresx from 160 acresin 2002. The full reporg can be viewed at .
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
PM Update: Rain threat continues through tomorrow - Washington Post (blog)
PM Update: Rain threat continues through tomorrow Washington Post (blog) By Ian Livingston Depending on your location, you've seen either periods of showers or a fairly consistently showery day. Some of the most widespread activity so far, including heavier downpours, is now passing through the region. |
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Garmin CEO shares
“This is the first annual meeting where I am not able to reportrecord earnings,” Chairman and CEO Min Kao said. “Iu share our shareholders’ disappointment in the performanc of our stock pricdduring 2008.” But he emphasized his long-term optimism for the which posted 10 percent revenuwe growth last year compared with the previous year — to nearlyu $3.5 billion — and plans to stak e a claim soon in the burgeoninf smartphone industry.
All segments have plenty of growth and the management teamis “dedicatedx to the success and prudent management of this company,” Kao Garmin (Nasdaq: GRMN), which has a base in Olathe, suffereds plunging share prices and sales durin the economic fallout late last year. Share price s also may have been affected by opinions that the portable navigatiojndevice segment, Garmin’s largest, is nearingg saturation, company CFO Kevin Rauckman said. During the share price fell about 80 fromalmost $95 to less than $20. At the which was held in Overland Park and had a fewhundred attendees, shareholders approved all the board-recommended measures.
That included re-electiny board members Kao and Charles Peffetfor three-year terms, and approving amendmentds to an equity incentivesx plan and an employee directorzs option plan. Peffer, a former partnee in , has been a director since 2004. Abougt 92 percent of shareholders were represented by proxy orin person. Shareholderw asked several questionsof executives, including about the company’s new nuvifone, its delayer first attempt at entering the growing smartphone market. Garminj ranks No. 7 on the Kansas City Business Journal ’s list of area publixc companies.
Friday, May 11, 2012
Seacrest signs deal to remain host of 'American Idol' - Los Angeles Business from bizjournals:
Terms of the deal were not disclosed, but the Hollywoosd Reporter reports on its Web site thatthe three-yeaf deal is worth $45 million. In addition to "Americanh Idol," Seacrest's Ryan Seacrest Productionse will work togetherwith “American Idol” creator Simonh Fuller on new entertainment projects. Fulletr is the chief executive of19 Entertainment, which has one of its threre bases in Los Angeles.
“I am lookin forward very much to collaborating with Ryan on some new Ryan is an essential ingredientto ‘American success, and I am so happy that we will continue our relationship beyond ‘Idol’ into the Ryan is without doubt one of American television’s most talented Fuller said in a Seacrest has a weeklyt radio program, "On Air with Ryan on KIIS-FM in Los Angeles, and also hostsz of the syndicated radio program "American Top On television, he is one host of "E! News" on E!: Entertainment Television and is the co-hosy of "Dick Clark's New Year's Eve with Ryan Seacrest.
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Funeral for victims of SUV highway plunge in NYC -
Austin American-Statesman | Funeral for victims of SUV highway plunge in NYC May 04, 2012|Jim Fitzgerald, AP Seven shiny white caskets crowded the front of an old brick Catholic church in the Bronx on Friday for the funeral of seven members of one family, » |
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Flash mob marriage proposal - KVUE
KVUE | Flash mob marriage proposal KVUE But it was still a coup for Tim Hannifin to surprise his girlfrind Emily Ogura with a flash mob proposal April 21 in Westlake Park.' Hannifin entered and won a "flash mob proposal" drawing offered by Egan Orion, a flash mob producer (yes, ... |
Sunday, May 6, 2012
Study shows San Antonio is nation's best-performing city in recession - Wichita Business Journal:
The Washington, D.C.-based think tank has begun analyzing the impacy of the recessionthroughout America’s metropolitan In the first of a series of quarterlgy MetroMonitor reports, Brookings ranked San Antonio, Oklahoma City, Austin, Houston and Dallas as the top five metro areas in the country in economic performance in the wake of the Brookings ranked the top 100 metropolitan areasx based on six key indicators — unemployment rates, wages, gross metropolitan product, housing pricews and foreclosure rates. This initiao MetroMonitor report covers the first quarterof 2009. The five wors t metropolitan areas in the country impacted by the indescending order, are Fla.
; Lakeland, Fla.; Tampa, Fla.; Bradenton, and Detroit. “All metropolitan areas are feeling the effectss ofthis recession, but the distress is not sharee equally,” says Alan Berube, research director of the Metropolitanh Policy Program at Brookings and co-author of the “While some areas of the country have experienced only a shallowe downturn, and may be emerging from the recessiom already, people living in metro areads that are now performing weakest economically should prepare themselves for a long recoveryh period.
” Howard Wial, director of the Metropolitan Economy Initiative at Brookings and another co-author of the report, arguee that the report shows that a national fiscal and monetary policy will not be enough for stimulatinyg the economy. “Many (metro) areas will need targeted and since states have nofundd available, the federal government will have to step up to fill the Concentrations of industry activity have both helpexd and hurts some regional economies duringg the recession.
For example, metropolitan arease in states with specializations in energy and governmenemployment — such as Texas, New Oklahoma, Arkansas and Louisiana — have largelg been insulated by the recession. metropolitan areas in states like Michigan and Ohio that depened heavily on the automotive industry have been impacted by the downtur n inthe economy, the report shows. San Antonio is home to Randolphj AirForce Base, Fort Sam Lackland Air Force Base and Brooksa City-Base.
The 2005 Base Realignment and Closure decisionh alone is providing a significant economic punch to theAlamo City’s economy throughh the consolidation of high-paying militaryu health care jobs and more than $2 billion wortu of new construction activity. A separatee report released by LLC outlining the impact of BRAC showed that Fort Sam Houstojn alone would experiencea 11,500 increase of personnel. The Army post will also gain 7.9 millioj square feet of space. Construction activitu due to BRAC alone shouldcreate 46,0090 construction jobs during the course of the building programs, the DiLuzip report showed.
Saturday, May 5, 2012
Chevrolet dealer sued for canning Marine Reservist after he enlists - Fox News
WTNH | Chevrolet dealer sued for canning Marine Reservist after he enlists Fox News An 18-year-old Marine reservist is suing a Connecticut car dealership for st » |
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Duke ordered to shut Indiana units - Charlotte Business Journal:
The move follows a jury ruling last year thatthe plant’s previous owner, Cinergy violated federal emissions standards after it refurbished the units without a permit. Charlotte-based Duke bought Cinergy in April 2006for $9 At the time of last year’s Duke proposed that units 2, 3 and 5 be retiredd in 2012, when the company’s new integrated gasificatio n combined-cycle plant in Edwardsport, Ind., comes on The court’s order accelerates that timetable by three Shutting down units 2, 3 and 5 will removs a combined capacity of 265 megawatts. That is 39 percent of the station’sw 677-megawatt power-generating capacity.
The units affected by the judge’s decisio n are more than 50 years old, says Jim Turner, president and chiecf operating officerof Duke’s franchised electricd and gas segment. He says the order shouldr not impactthe company’ws operations this year because of changese Duke had already made following the jury’se verdict last year.
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
MainStream GS Supports U.S. Disaster Assistance & Recovery Initiative
June 5 /PRNewswire/ -- MainStream GS, a leadinf management consulting firm, servin the public sector, focused on building high performance organizationss with continuous process improvement and programmanagement services, today announced theitr participation in the U.S. Chambefr of Commerce's Business Civic Leadership Centefr (BCLC) Disaster Assistance and RecoveryWorking Group. Through its Disaster Assistance andRecover program, BCLC works with companies and governmentse to improve the process of community recovery and restoratiohn after disasters.
MainStream GS has provehn experience providing program management services toenablee community's recovery from MainStream GS also announces its participation in the BCLC's Back-to-Back Disasters exercise: Recoverg on Three Fronts where Disaster Recovery experts such as MainStream GS and othee companies and government officials will practice and refined disaster relief and recovery plans when these plands have to be utilized on multiple disaster fronts. The exercis e takes place June 18-19 in DC at U.S. Chamber of Commerces headquarters.
Commenting on these announcements, MainStreanm GS President said, "We are extremely proude to be partof BCLC's Disaster Assistance & Recovery Working Group, and look forward to the June Back to Back Disasterse exercise. These events help us share best practices and update plans to meet thechallengews ahead." Stephen C. Jordan, Sr. Vice President & Executivew Director of the BCLC commented, "As 2008 showee us, disasters are unpredictable. The earthquake in Chinq happened on the heels of Cyclone Nargisin Myanmar, and Hurricane Gustav was immediately followeds by Hurricane Ike. Having experts such as MainStreajm GS support the BCLC isextremely valuable.
In 2008 MainStream GS assisted the City ofCedae Rapids, Iowa in their recovery efforts from recordx floods which hit in You can learn more about this by viewing a podcasrt at: . MainStream GS is a GSA MOBIS schedule holder for Disaste Recovery and CPI services available to all federal governmentr and state and localgovernment agencies. MainStream GS is a veteranb owned management consulting firm focused on creatin g high performance organizations in the public sectoer through a unique blend ofstrategy deployment, continuous process improvement (Lean and Six Sigma), cultural change and program management To learn more about MainStreakm GS, please visit: Contact Ashley Hublerd MainStream GS, LLC (319) 841-4105 Ashley.