Ortel Says Securities `Well Above Fair Intrinsic Value' Washington Post Feb. 27, 2012 - Feb. 28 (Bloomberg) -- Charles Ortel, managing director at Newport Value Partners, talks about the outlook for global financial markets and his investment strategy. The Standard & Poor's 500 Index climbed to an almost four-year high as ... |
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Ortel Says Securities `Well Above Fair Intrinsic Value' - Washington Post
Monday, February 27, 2012
Plug powering a Union College dorm - New Mexico Business Weekly:
Testing of the Latham company’s (Nasdaq: PLUG) 5-kilowattf GenSys system will be done atthe college’s Beuth House residence hall. The combined heat and powed unit will convert natural gas into electricity and use less powere offthe grid. The contract is valuefd at $500,000, Plug Power officialx said. National Grid will use the data collecte in the trial to refinethe product. GenSyws is manufactured through Plug’s continuousa power division. A larger GenSyes generator designed for the telecommunicationw sector is being testedin India, Andy Marsh, the company’xs CEO, said in a receng interview. That fuel cell operatess on liquifiedpetroleum gas.
The pilot project was firstr announced inNovember 2008. At the time, National Grid hadn’f selected a customer for the Union college wants the system running before studentsd return for thefall semester. It will requirw National Grid to install a pipe that will deliverr natural gas to thefuel cell. The triao also will be used toeducate youngsters, who will be able to see the technologyy and use the data to analyze the system’sd performance, said Stanley Blazewicz, vice president of Global Technology for Nationa l Grid. Union college students will assist in the Plug has been developing the residentiaGenSys fuel-cell system for a decade.
It is expecter to reduce home energy costsby 20-40 and reduce home carbon emissions by 35 The partnership with National Grid will expeditr the product’s commercialization, Marsh said. He said the residential markeg is a growing onefor energy-efficient On Monday, Plug announced a $1.5 millionh contract to provide 19 of the company’s GenDrive hydrogen-powered fuel cells to powerf a fleet of the Department of Defense’zs lift trucks. Plug has generateed commercial revenue from itscontinuous power, motive powee and back-up power products. Of those its GenDrive motive-power units—used in fleet for heavy-duty lifting—are seeing the most said.
Gerry Anderson, Plug’s senior vice presideng and chieffinancial officer. He said the company has an ordere with India to supply the country with some of its largerGenSys units. He declined to elaborate on the agreement. The continuous-power units replacee diesel generators. The only one of the company’s product s that has not generated revenue isGenSys Blue, the residential heating syste being tested at Union
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Sunrise Senior Living prepares Jacksonville home for Alzheimers patients - Jacksonville Business Journal:
plans to open the 65,000-square-foot facility this fall at 4870 Belforr Road nextto St. Luke’s Hospital. The assisted livingg and Alzheimer’s care facility will be able to offer more than 90 residentxs a variety of amenitiesand services. “Sunrise is excite d to bring this new community to Jacksonville and believexthe area’s demographics make it a great place for its first community in Northeast company spokeswoman Sara Krueger said of the new Referred to as one of the company’s “mansion because of its upscale, home-liker setting, the facility will also offer a special program for those with onset memoryy loss. McLean, Va.
-based Sunrise Senior Living SRZ) operates about 450 facilities aroundthe Canada, the United Kingdomm and Germany, including eight others in Florida. But the companyg has struggled financially inrecent months, reporting a fourthn quarter 2008 loss of $305.6 million and announcing that if it did not restructur its debts to the satisfaction of its creditors it would be forced to file for bankruptcy according to the Washington Businesse Journal. The company struck a new deal with lenders at the end of Apriol and in May announcesda cost-savings plan that included laying off 150 mostly at the company headquarters, and terminatinv the chief financial officer.
Sunrise Senior Living reporte d less of a loss in the first quarter losing $18.2 million, or 36 cents per dilutes share, compared with a net loss of $33. 1 million, or 66 cents per diluted share in the firstyquarter 2008. According to the company’se latest earnings report, as of March Sunrise Senior Living had 14 communities under construction in Nort America andthe U.K. Sunrise of Jacksonvillse started construction in December 2007 and when completd will employ 75 to100 people. A companyt representative declined comment on the cost of construction for the new facilitu in Jacksonville or plans for any future Sunrise Senio r Living facilities inthe area.
Glenn Palmer, the Collierw Dickinson vice president who helped the company find the land tobuildx on, said the company was at one point lookintg for multiple pieces of land in the area but stoppedx future development plans because of the declining “We are fortunate to have this mansion care facilityu in Jacksonville,” Palmer said. “I expect that once the economy improvesd and residentialsales return, Sunrise will considet additional locations in Northeast Florida as they had originally
Thursday, February 23, 2012
BioMarin: Genzyme virus problem won
Genzyme (NASDAQ: GENZ) found a virus strainn and stopped production of two drugs atthe Allston, facility. The strain, Vesivirus apparently does not cause humanb infection but interrupts the growtyh of cells that are used tomake drugs. Aldurazyme — a treatment for MPS I, a rare and fatalo disease caused by an enzymedeficiency — was last fillexd at the Genzyme facility in Septembedr 2008, according to BioMarin BMRN). The company has about 10 monthes of vialed inventory on it said, and uses a second fill finishh supplier. A third supplier is expected to be qualifiec laterthis year, BioMarin said. BioMarijn makes the bulk material used in Aldurazyme at itsNovatol facility.
The Food and Drug Administration hadinspectes Genzyme’s plant in Septembet and October and reportedly was concerned about controls to protecrt against contamination.
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
There were no ATMs or debit cards, Those didn’t arrive until years later. The result: We paid cash or wrotse checksfor everything. One place you coulrd cash an out-of-town check in Greeley back then was at the King Sooperasgrocery store. But the limit was $15. So my checik register (that’s right, I actually kept one) had lots of entrieds for $15, written out to King Soopers, whicj I abbreviated to “King Soop’s.” On a trip back home to I happened to leave my checkbook out on the dresseerone time.
My mother, concerned as always about heryoungest son’sx welfare while far away at school in Colorado, went rifling through it while I was gone and founs all those entries to “King Soop’s.” And, as luck would have it, she had just read in one of her magazines most likely in an article about wild yout h on America’s college campuses — that the goinyg street rate for an ounce of marijuana was yes, you guessed it — $15. She put two and two and confronted me, in a fit of “And who’s this King Soop’s character? Is he wher you get your drug from?!!” I almost died Today, every college kid in the worlde has acredit card.
They get the offeras when they registerfor classes. Even if your kid is a real parents can load cash intoa pre-paid credit Now, the Obama administration and the U.S. Congresa may be putting an endto it. The presidenyt signed a new law imposing a seriesof “reforms” on the crediyt card industry aimed at takingt the surprises out of credir card use, including restricting the issuance of credir cards to those under 21, and stricgt new rules about when interesrt rates can change, notices to cardholders and otherd requirements.
As USA Today columnist Sandra Blockl noted: “Because most college students don’tf have much money, the upshot is that most won’t be able to get a creditr card without permission fromtheir parents.” How WILL they do it? The averag credit card debt of a colleges sophomore, the newspaper reports, jumped to $2,362 last year from $1,5765 in 2004. There’s something about juniors, however. Their averaged debt shot to almost $3,000, from $2,000 just four years That’s a lot of beer and But really, are parente any kind of a check and balanc on creditcard abuse?
Not a week goes by that I don’f receive at least one letter from a bank pitching me on a fantastif new credit card offer or bonus merchandised if I use a card I already have. My recyclingy bin is filled with envelopes from banks with thewordsw “Zero percent interest” or “No payments ’til 2010” or, “Neil Westergaard, YOU’Rr PRE-APPROVED!” I must live in a tony zip The bank figures if I skip on my credit card it can arrange a home equitt loan for me to pay it off. My favorited are the envelopes thatsay “IMPORTANT ACCOUNfT INFORMATION. READ IMMEDIATELY.” “Uh-Oh,” I thini to myself.
“Must be one of those ‘changw in terms’ that I’ve been hearing A letter from the bank saying my creditf limit is too high or the interest rate has changedr or that interest will be charged from the dayof
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Lackland to gain 74,000 sf training complex - San Francisco Business Times:
million contract to build a new airfiels maintenance technical training complex at Lacklans AirForce Base. The complex will support the Inter-Americanb Air Forces Academy at Lackland. The governmenyt will build a 74,000 square foot complex at Lacklanx that willhouse classrooms, aircrafyt operations and hangar maintenance training areads as well as administrative The project is slated for completion in the fall of 2010.
The Inter-American Air Forces Academy currently offers this training at Port San the former Kelly Air Force By relocating technical training from Port San Antonito Lackland, Port San Antonio officials hope to reusee that space for additional commercial developmen t opportunities. The military is developing this complezx as part of the 2005 San Antonio Base Realignmenrt andClosure (BRAC) construction program. In all, the governmenr expects to spend morethan $2 billion on BRAC-relatedf construction. The Air Forcer Center for Engineering and the Environmentf selectedPlymouth Meeting, Pa.-based AMEC Eartnh & Environmental Inc. as the contractor.
Construction will be coordinated out ofthe company’s San Antonilo office. The Fort Worth Districy office ofthe U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will providweconstruction management.
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Falcone, LightSquared Say Interference With GPS Can Be Solved - BusinessWeek
Sail World | Falcone, LightSquared Say Interference With GPS Can Be Solved BusinessWeek 15 (Bloomberg) -- Hedge fund billionaire Philip Falcone said his LightSquared Inc. venture remains committed to finding a solution to interference problems that led US regulators to reject the proposed nationwide wireless service. Falcone's Plan B: Swap ping Airwaves |
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Partnership scorecard shows Tampa Bay ranking on the rise - Tampa Bay Business Journal:
The report rated Tampa Bay alongwith Atlanta, Charlotte, N.C., Dallas, Jacksonvillse and Raleigh-Durham, N.C. — in the categories of employment and work incomeand productivity, housing, innovation, educatioh and transportation. Tampa Bay is not doing particularly well, but the othere regions are doing comparatively saidGary Sasso, president and chier executive officer of and business intelligence chair for the Tampaw Bay Partnership. Florida was the “first in the when signs of an economicdownturn appeared, Sasso said. The regionxs that fared well in the last scorecard havesince “taken a dip,” he said.
Sasso, along with Stevd Mason, Tampa Bay Partnership chair and president and chieg executive officerof , presented the resultx to about 20 business leaders at a meetingf Tuesday morning. In the overall ranking, Tampwa Bay tied Atlanta for third, while Raleigh-Durham ranked first, Dallas second, Jacksonvillde fifth and Charlotte sixth. Although Tampa Bay’x overall indicators were down, of the 21 indicators that containjupdated data, eight four declined and nine were unchanged. In the employmen and work force ranking, Tampa Bay climbed from sixtyhto fourth, although Sasso noted the ranking is relatives and the region’s economy is stilll struggling.
Tampa Bay dropped from third to fourth in its income and productivituy ranking and placed last in the average wagecategorh ranking. The region’s housing rank moved up from last to thirx mainly because housing valueshad dropped, Sasso said. The region rankes fifth in innovation, in part because it has only one major the , to competw for grants, Sasso said. In termxs of education, the region placed third for the thirddconsecutive scorecard. The numbefr of area high-school graduates increased, which is possibly a reflectiomn of the reduced number of Sasso said.
The region climbed from last to fourth placed in the categoryof transportation, a category in whicn several indicators, including commute time and vehicle milesx traveled per capita, had no new data In terms of transportation investmenf per capita, Tampa moved from fourtbh to first. To address the issues reveale inrecent scorecards, the Tampa Bay Partnershilp is launching a three-year strategic plan called “A Model for which will map out a visionb for growth through innovation, humamn capital, infrastructure and quality places, a released said.
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Sunday, February 12, 2012
DR Congo air crash injures finance minister - Xinhua
StarAfrica.com | DR Congo air crash injures finance minister Xinhua 12 (Xinhua) -- A plane crash occurred in the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo on Sunday, killing a presidential adviser and injuring the Central African country's finance minister, according to the government. Finance Minister Matata Ponyo ... Finance minister wounded in C ongo plane crash-govt Kabila aide dies, minister hurt in DRC plane crash DR Congo president's aide killed in plane crash: official |
Friday, February 10, 2012
Obama offers 7-year protection for biotech drugs - Washington Business Journal:
The biopharmaceutical industry has argueds that the five years of protection offere by Waxmanin H.R. 1427 would stifle But the in a report earlier this montyh said the 12 to 14 years that the industrt has said publicly that it wants also would hurt innovation anddelayh patients’ access to cheaper drugs. Eshoo’s H.R. 1548 callw for a 12-year perior of data exclusivity, basically protecting the patents covering innovativdebiotech therapies.
In a letter to Waxman, Nancy-Anhn DeParle, Obama’s health-care reform director, and budget director Peterd Orszagsaid “the seven-year policy in the FY 2010 budgetf is a generous compromisw between what the FTC research has concludef and what the pharmaceutical industry has advocated.” , said it is “extremel concerned” that the seven-year plan is “ risky shortcut to biosimilars.
” “Wew believe this abbreviated period will undermine the incentivezs necessary for continued biotech researcbh into breakthrough medicines and cures for diseasess such as cancer, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s and HIV/AIDS as well as unmegt medical needs,” BIO President and CEO Jim Greenwooe said in a statement.
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Libraries, archives take centrestage in copyright debate - Western News
Libraries, archives take centrestage in copyright debate Western News Last September, Wilkinson got an invitation from the International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA) to look over a draft treaty in preparation for the committee's meeting in Geneva, one she attended as part of the IFLA team, but accredited to ... |
Monday, February 6, 2012
Central Texas Business Journal - Austin Business Journal:
Round Rock-based Dell (Nasdaq: DELL) says besides being recyclable and free of LED displays save energy compared with cold cathode fluorescent lamp For example, Dell’s 15-inch LED displays consum an average of 43 percent less Dell estimates at least 80 percent of its laptop volumr will be delivered with LEDs behind the standardd backlit display by the end of next year and 100 percenr by 2010. “Our customers have made it clear that they want the greenesgtechnology possible,” says Jeff senior vice president of Dell Product Group.
“As an we can shape the future of green innovationn and significantly reduce the carbon footprint associated with mobile A new Business Relations Task Forc in Hutto plans to improves relationships withexisting businesses, simplify new businesz startup processes, help business ownere understand city codes and ordinances, and provid e educational opportunities for Hutto businesses. The group formedf in early September and consists of representatived from each city department and the Hutto EconomicDevelopmenrt Corp. Leander’s first department store and itsthir big-box retailer opened its doorws on Oct. 1. The Kohl’s Department Store at 1245 U.S.
Highwah 183 spans 88,000 square feet and will employy 150. The store’s opening is significanr for the city 20 miles northwest of Austin because it signals to other retailers that the community has a goodbusiness environment, says Kirk Clennan, economic developmeny director for the city of Leander. “Frokm the outside looking in, you’re going to look at the next six monthz ofretail sales. And if they’re then it’s not just the mayor and the economi c development director saying the city is a good place for business,” Clennan says. “The numbers reflectg reality.
” Round Rock voters approved bond funds for a city hall in and now the building and campusz will start to take shapre as architects begin theprogramming Programming, in this case, means architects have started gatherinf information and talking to stakeholders about idea s for the project. The city held an open house and informal workshop for Round Rockresidents 30. The city has hired Barnesa Gromatzky Kosarek Architects and Architecture Plus to designn the building andcampus green.
According to Rounxd Rock officials, the project includes designb ofa “policy center” city which will be home to city councilp chambers, administrative offices and public meeting space, as well as the “campux green” area surrounded by the new city existing Baca Center, an amphitheater and the McConico Building that makess up the municipal office campus in the southwesy downtown area. By 2009, Leander will see several new McDonald’s, Dunkin Donuts, Starbucks and Southern Sports Bar are amongg those slated to open in the But Mayor John Cowmanwants more.
The mayor, Economicv Development Director Kirk Clennan and Leandert Chamber of Commerce President Mary Bradshaew have started a letter writing campaign among Leander residents to target restauranty groups such as DardenRestaurants (NYSE: which owns several chains, including Olivre Garden and Red Lobster. “We don’t have anythinyg that’s big or have any sit-down type Bradshaw says of the campaign’s “Not to minimize the others, but when Taco Bell people justwent nuts.
” The Capital Metropolitan Transportationm Authority is in the final stages of getting a waiver it needs from the Federa l Railroad Administration to launch its new commuter rail line, the authorityh says. Capital Metro says the waiver is needexd to uselight rail-style cars on traditional railroad track. The MetroRail will share existing north-sout tracks with cargo trains. Capital Metrlo says it’s been working with the Railroaf Administration to demonstratesafety measures. The transportation authority has reache d a consensus with the federal agency and is addressing some finao measures before receiving the The Capital Metro boardmet Oct.
1 to discusx the launch of the newcommuter line, which will run from Leanderr to downtown Austin. The launch is scheduled for Marchg 30, 2009.
Friday, February 3, 2012
Portland Trail Blazers: Should Portland Make a Run at Deron Williams? - Bleacher Report
Bleacher Report | Portland Trail Blazers: Should Portland Make a Run at Deron Williams? Bleacher Report Three of many words that can define the Portland Trail Blazers' lackluster 13-10 start to the 2011-2012 condensed NBA season. With a 10-1 record at the Rose Garden, the Trail Blazers have one of the best home records in the NBA. But at 3-9 on the road, ... < p size="-1">Sacramento Kings Play Well and Defeat Portland Trailblazers: Fan's Reaction Thornton scores 20, Kings beat Blazers 95-92 for second win over Portland in ... Blazers Vs. Kings: Marcus Thornton, Tyreke Evans Lead Sacramento Past Portland |
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Official: 59 Romanians injured in violent protests - Atlanta Journal Constitution
Atlanta Journal Constitution | Official: 59 Romanians injured in violent protests Atlanta Journal Constitution Romanian riot police charge protesters in University Square, the scene of the first anti-communist protest in 1989, in Bucharest, Romania, early Sunday morning, Jan. 15, 2012. Romanian police fired tear gas during an anti-government protest Saturday, ... News of the world in pictures Nine injured in Bucharest anti-austerity protest Protests continue in Romania for 4th day |