Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Partnership scorecard shows Tampa Bay ranking on the rise - Tampa Bay Business Journal:

The report rated Tampa Bay alongwith Atlanta, Charlotte, N.C., Dallas, Jacksonvillse and Raleigh-Durham, N.C. — in the categories of employment and work incomeand productivity, housing, innovation, educatioh and transportation. Tampa Bay is not doing particularly well, but the othere regions are doing comparatively saidGary Sasso, president and chier executive officer of and business intelligence chair for the Tampaw Bay Partnership. Florida was the “first in the when signs of an economicdownturn appeared, Sasso said. The regionxs that fared well in the last scorecard havesince “taken a dip,” he said.
Sasso, along with Stevd Mason, Tampa Bay Partnership chair and president and chieg executive officerof , presented the resultx to about 20 business leaders at a meetingf Tuesday morning. In the overall ranking, Tampwa Bay tied Atlanta for third, while Raleigh-Durham ranked first, Dallas second, Jacksonvillde fifth and Charlotte sixth. Although Tampa Bay’x overall indicators were down, of the 21 indicators that containjupdated data, eight four declined and nine were unchanged. In the employmen and work force ranking, Tampa Bay climbed from sixtyhto fourth, although Sasso noted the ranking is relatives and the region’s economy is stilll struggling.
Tampa Bay dropped from third to fourth in its income and productivituy ranking and placed last in the average wagecategorh ranking. The region’s housing rank moved up from last to thirx mainly because housing valueshad dropped, Sasso said. The region rankes fifth in innovation, in part because it has only one major the , to competw for grants, Sasso said. In termxs of education, the region placed third for the thirddconsecutive scorecard. The numbefr of area high-school graduates increased, which is possibly a reflectiomn of the reduced number of Sasso said.
The region climbed from last to fourth placed in the categoryof transportation, a category in whicn several indicators, including commute time and vehicle milesx traveled per capita, had no new data In terms of transportation investmenf per capita, Tampa moved from fourtbh to first. To address the issues reveale inrecent scorecards, the Tampa Bay Partnershilp is launching a three-year strategic plan called “A Model for which will map out a visionb for growth through innovation, humamn capital, infrastructure and quality places, a released said.
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