Saturday, March 31, 2012
Aurora opening Summit clinic early - Pittsburgh Business Times:
The Aurora Wilkinson Medical Clinic will open October 26 and will replace the current Aurora Wilkinson Medical Cliniv at 915Summit Ave. in Oconomowoc, although urgent care services will continue to beoffered there. The new clinicd also will replace the AuroraWilkinson Women’ws Center and the Aurora Visionh Center, both currently in Oconomowoc. The othe Aurora Wilkinson Medical Cliniclocations – in Hartland, Delafield, Wales and Waukesha – will continue to serv e patients. “October 26 will represen t the start of a new era in healthb care inthis area,” said Dr. David Ulery, presidentr of Aurora WilkinsonMedical Clinic.
“The openinf of our new clinic and cancer centedr will move us closer to a fully integrated systemk of care for the people of westernWaukeshw County.” Meanwhile, the hospital part of the project remains on schedule to open in early Aurora officials said. The Wilkinson clinicf will open at the same time as the new Vincs Lombardi Cancer Clinic on theSummit campus. The new Auroras Medical Center campus in the Town of Summi t is at the southeast corner of Interstatde 94 andHighway 67. The new Aurora Wilkinsojn Medical Clinic will be on the west side of the and the new Vince Lombardi Cancer Clinicv is on thesouth side.
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Treasury Department selling TARP warrants at 34% discount - Puget Sound Business Journal (Seattle):
Through the Troubled Assert Relief Program, known as TARP, the Treasury Departmenty purchased preferred stock and warrants from banksa in an effort to propup lending. which give the holder the right to buya company’ws stock at some point in the future for a specifiv price, presented a lot of potential upside for should bank stock pricese rise above the face value of the warrants. Many bank have sought to buy back their preferre d shares and warrantsfrom Treasury.
“Becausde the warrants that accompaniedc TARP assistance represent the only opportunity for the taxpayer to participate directly in the increase in the shard prices of banks made possible bypublic money, the price at which the warrants are sold is critical,” the panelo said. The panel, charged with determining whethee taxpayers are receiving maximum benefit fromthe TARP, conducted its own valuation of the warrants the Treasurh holds. It found that the 11 banks that have repurchases their warrants from the Treasury for a total amount that the panel estimates to be only 66 percent of currentmarket value, shortchanging taxpayers by $10 million.
The Treasurty is still in the early stages of its warrantrepurchasew program, and the panel acknowledges that the prices thus far may not be representative of what is to
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
BioMarin: Genzyme virus problem won
Genzyme (NASDAQ: GENZ) found a viruzs strain and stopped production of two drugs atthe Mass., facility. The strain, Vesivirus 2117, apparentluy does not cause human infectiom but interrupts the growth of cells that are used to make Aldurazyme — a treatment for MPS I, a rare and fatal diseass caused by an enzyme deficiency was last filled at the Genzymer facility in September 2008, accordingy to BioMarin (NASDAQ: BMRN). The company has about 10 months of viale inventoryon hand, it and uses a second fill finisbh supplier. A third supplier is expectedd to be qualified laterthis year, BioMarin BioMarin makes the bulk material used in Aldurazymw at its Novato facility.
The Food and Drug Administrationh hadinspected Genzyme’s plant in Septembe r and October and reportedly was concerned about controls to protect against
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Feds charge three Kansas City-area companies with labor trafficking - Kansas City Business Journal:
The indictments fall under the Racketeer Influence and CorruptOrganizations (RICO) Act, Whitworth, acting U.S. attorneyy for the Western District of said ina release. The companies named in the indictmeng are ofKansas City, of Mission and of Overland Park. The 45-count indictment also names Abrorkhodjsa Askarkhodjaev, 30, who owns or controlsx the three companies, Nodir Yunusov, 22, and Rustamjon 21, all Uzbekistan citizens living in Ilkham Fazilov, 44, and Nodirbek 27, Uzbekistan citizens living in Kansaas City; Viorel Simon, 27, and Alexandru 23, Moldova citizens living in Kansas City, Kan.; Kristin Dougherty, 49, of Ellisville, Mo.; Andrew 53, of St. Charles, Mo.
; Abdukakhar Azizkhodjaev, 49, an Uzbekistan citizehn living inPanama City, Fla.; and Sandjar 27, and Jakhongir Kakhkharov, 29, Uzbekistan citizensd who recently left the United Statea and are living abroad. “This RICO indictment allegews an extensive and profitabl e criminal enterprise in which hundreda of illegal aliens were employed at hotele and other businesses acrossthe country,” Whitworth said in the release. “Th defendants allegedly used false information to acquirer fraudulent work visas for theseforeigbn nationals.
Many of their employees were allegedlg victims of human traffickinhg who were coerced to work in violation of the terms of thei r visa without proper pay and under the threat of The defendants also required them to reside together in substandard andoverpriced apartments.” Many of the workers were employefd at hotels in the Kansas City area and in Mo., Whitworth said. The indictment allegesx that sinceJanuary 2001, Askarkhodjaec has been the leader of a criminal enterprise and directesd the rest of the co-defendants in carryinf out unlawful activities, including forcexd labor trafficking, identity theft, harboring illegal aliens, mail conspiracy to commit money laundering, transporting illega aliens, visa fraud, extortion, interstated travel in aid of wire fraud and inducing the illegal entry of foreigm nationals.
The indictment also contain s aforfeiture allegation, which would require the defendant to forfeit to the government all interest in any property involved in the alleged offenses and all propertu derived from the proceeds obtained from the allegedr offenses, including a monetary judgment of at least $6 million, Whitworth said in the Those found guilty of racketeering can be sentencedr to as much as 20 yeara in prison, fined as much as $250,0000 or both. According to federal those found guilty of forced labor mail fraud, money laundering, extortion and wire frauc also may be subjecty to a sentence of as much as 20 yearas in federal prison without parole.
Friday, March 23, 2012
Humans blamed for Australian extinctions -
ABC Online | Humans blamed for Australian extinctions SYDNEY, March 23 (UPI) -- Human hunting caused the extinction of ancient giant animals, or "megafauna," in Australia about 40000 years ago, scientists say. A study has put the blame for the extinction of 600-pound kangaroos and birds twice the size of ... Human hunting 9;caused extinction of megafauna' Megafauna collapse led to mega changes Clubs, Not Climate Change, Killed Australia's Megafauna |
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Florida Laws that take effect July 1 designed to help developers - Jacksonville Business Journal:
Four new state bills will go into effectr July 1 that will impact the real estate developmentindustrh — exempting densely populated communities from certain processes, expeditin g some permitting processes, diminishinfg the standard of proof and shifting the burden of proof off the developer. Another bill was approveds during the 2009legislative session, but must be put on a ballott for final approval. Bob Rhodes, an attorney at , said the statw Legislature has deferred strategic moneuy matters to take a tactical stancse on stimulating the economy by helpingg the commercial realestate industry.
“The state Legislature is trying to give the building community encouragement tocontinus building,” Rhodes said. It is “trying to primse the economic pump for thebuilding
Monday, March 19, 2012
X's and O's: What Manning will mean to the Broncos around him - | X's and O's: What Manning will mean to the Broncos around him That's what getting Manning means. It means the Broncos are no longer being forced to "gimmick up" an offense to try and move the footb » |
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Small-business owners more optimistic about economy - Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal:
While an earlier survey, conductedc in October by of Palo Alto, found 56 percent of small-businesds owners “very worried” about the economy, the new conducted late last month, found that number dropperd to39 percent. small-business owners aren’t lettinv go of their angst, with 48 percent still “somewhar worried,” up from 35 percent. “Thed October survey was conductedx just after the market crash, and small-business owners were, justifiably, very PayCycle CEOM Jim Heeger said in a news “Now, we are seeinb small business confidence begin to creepp up.
” Fifty-eight percent now believwe the recovery will take a year to 18 months, down from 50 “We are beginning to see a moderatiobn of expectation around an anticipated economic Heeger said. “Small-business owners are typically realists. They are closest to the consumefr and are an important barometer of The survey compiled responses from 478 smallo businesses selectedfrom PayCycle’sz customer base.
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Stephen Hassenfelt: Understated leader
“I thought, ‘Ugh,’” Hassenfelt says. “So much for stayin g out of the spotlight.” It’s not always possible to stay behindthe though, especially for somebody who’s been involved in some of Greensboro’se biggest corporate and civic ventures during the past three The shyness he professes notwithstanding, Hassenfelt is well knowhn whether he likes it or not. Now concludin g his term as chairmanof UNCG’ board of trustees, Hassenfelt founde two successful financial management firme in the city and helped engineer the mergeer of its two major hospital systems in the 1990s.
“II was a little surprised he was willing to do an intervieqwith you,” for this profile, says Sue Cole, his long-timew business partner and principapl of Granville Capital, which Hassenfeltg founded in 2003. “He askedc me whether he shoulddo it, and I told him I though t he should, because peoplr need to hear abouyt his kind of leadership.” His is the kind of leadershiop that is understated but effective, say those who have worked with Hassenfel through the years. He tends to claim no public credit perhaps because his successfulp ventures often speakfor themselves. Chiecf among them, at least in termes of pure dollars, is N.C. Trust Co.
, the wealthg management firm he co-founded in 1984 and led through growth to 85 employeee in downtown Greensboroand $2.5 billion in assets at the time of its sale to in 1999. Wealth management was a career shift for who had earlier worked as an accountanr and earned a law degree from Wake Forestin 1976. He founderd his own boutique law firm with partnerf Paul Livingston in Greensboroin 1981. That practice focused on tax law, the area he founsd most interesting, but clients wanted a broader scoprof service. Rather than simply branch out the law Hassenfelt split off on his own tocreate N.C.
A trust made the most sense as abusiness structure, he because as a fiduciary obligated to act in his best interests, he would be able to manage a bigget portion of their financial livess and, hopefully, keep them out of trouble. “Whe n I practiced law, people generally came to me when they had a Hassenfelt says. “In a trust, I coulcd work with them on ways to avoid The more comprehensive approacy appealedto Hassenfelt’s strategic nature, and that naturse helps explain the success and growth of N.C. Trust, says who joined that company in 1987 and eventualluybecame U.S.
Trust’s regional chief “He studied so hard, and he’d talk to people all across the countrh and go to conferences and do whatever it to find edges forhis firm, Cole says. For N.C. Trust was one of the firsf financial management firms in the regionh to make sure every employees was usingthose new-fangled desktopo computers and e-mail. By the late 1990s, N.C. Trust had outgrownn any claim to being a boutique firm, but it was still too small to take on its nationall competitors. One of those competitors, , tried to take over N.C. Trust in 1998, Hassenfelt says, but even after that deal died, he knew some kind of mergee was inevitable. The deal with U.S.
Trust to created the U.S. Trust Company of North Carolina with Hassenfelg as CEO preservedhis company’s locao status and even added some jobs as the resources of the largert firm created new services for But he was disappointed, he admits, when just months later U.S. Trust turned around and mergedwith . Hassenfelrt was tapped to help the top executivess at Schwaband U.S. Trusf meld their organizations together. He workedx hard at it but could see it wouldc be atroubled union, a view many industry observers woulx come to share. “There were great peopl e on both sides, but they were totally different” in thei r styles and experience, Hassenfelt says. Where U.S.
Trusgt was used to holding the hands of verywealthyh people, Schwab was known as an onlinr discount broker that catered to do-it-yourself investors. If he’d known the Schwab merger was coming, Hassenfelt he wouldn’t have done the U.S. Trust But that doesn’t mean he thinksd difficult deals aren’t worth doing, as is evidenced by the mergerr of and that Hassenfelt helped make happenn in 1997 after more than a year of planning and Hassenfelt chairedWesley Long’s board at the time, which meanyt he knew as well as anyone the difficulties that lay aheadd of that organization with its smaller patient capacity and fewer specializedf services in a head-to-head competition with the larger Moses
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Now is a time for leaders to gain new consciousness - bizjournals:
While we look to our leaders for stability and confidenc that things willbe OK, even they are now challenged. It'w a pressure cooker, and the real questioh is how to remain groundec in the face ofthis So, where can a leader go? It starts on the and ends up in new conscious choice based on solid grounding. It’s a processd that starts with a leader’s • Reflection: Getting grounded starts with having a regulare time each dayto reflect, to gain perspectivwe on the crises of the day and to gain insightt into what truly It may be a time of vigorous exercise, or a long walk.
The intentiohn here is to find a placse of peace and serenity and to clarifty what can be changed andwhat cannot. • Learning: What have you learnes about thefires you’re fighting? How important are they? It is critical to learn from the past and not continuw to repeat the same We will also learn about ourselves and why we keep fightinyg those fires. • Now it’s time to assess the key challengez weface and, based upon our new grounds and what truly to look at new and different options for solving thesew challenges.
• Conscious Choice: Conscious choices can now be made that are not reactive, that are tied to what’s best for the peoplwe and the business, and that will created a different environment for the work forcd and customers. New insights lead to new understanding, which in turn leade to new thinking – becoming proactive and formulating new strategiesand direction. It’sd an inside-out process. It starts deep insidr us, at the core of who we are, that whicn gives us a sense of peace aboug whatis important. And from that place come s sound judgment and a positivde message aboutthe future.
Conscious business choices are built on consciouw personal choices that are built on who we are This new ground enables us to move beyonsd thepressure cooker, reaction, and contingency
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Dual Inhibition of MET and VEGF Signaling With Cabozantinib Blocks Tumor ... - MarketWatch (press release)
Dual Inhibition of MET and VEGF Signaling With Cabozantinib Blocks Tumor ... MarketWatch (press release) SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., Feb 24, 2012 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Exelixis, Inc. (NASDAQ:EXEL) today announced the company's lead compound, cabozantinib, is highlighted in a new peer-reviewed publication demonstrating that simultaneous inhibition of MET and ... |
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Local accountant sentenced for tax fraud - San Antonio Business Journal:
United States District Judge Orlandol Garcia ordered Melvin Anthony Johnson to paya $5,000 fine and be placedf under supervised release for a perior of one year after completing his priso n term. At a sentencing hearing held July 2, Judge Garcia ordered that Johnson be takebn into custody to begin serving hisprisob term. Johnson pleaded guilty to the charge onMarcn 18. He admitted that during the tax years 2001 througb 2004 he knowingly assisted in the preparation of frauduleny individual income tax returns which containee falseeducation credits.
Johnson told clients he could get them larger refundsx byfinding “loop holes,” when in fact he was usingf bogus education credits to inflate his clients’ An IRS audit determined that the scheme resulte in a tax loss in exces of $200,000.
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Yacht gift for charity's sailing work - British Forces News
Yacht gift for charity's sailing work British Forces News The charity Toe In The Water, which uses sailing to help injured servicemen and women regain their confidence, has been given a Farr 52 racing yacht. Its owners - Tony Hayward, Sam Laidlaw, and Rob Gray - donated "Bob" to support the tri-service ... |
Sunday, March 4, 2012
FPL Group to release Q1 results Tuesday - South Florida Business Journal:
Despite the recession, the Juno Beach-baseed power company (NYSE: FPL) said in Januaryg that 2008 wasits “besgt year ever,” with fourth quarter profits up 82 percent. At that time, the companyh forecast full-year adjusted earnings per share to be in the rangeof $4.0 5 to $4.25 for 2009 and $4.50 to $4.90 for 2010. Earlie r this month, ranked FPL Group’s stock one of the top 5 all-arounxd value stocks. It has rated it a “buy” since Januaryy “due to the company's impressive growthh and strong fundamentals.” TheStreet.
com said the company’s strength can be seen in its revenu and netincome growth, but addeed that it has poor debt management and subpar liquidity. The most recent change in stock analysg recommendations for the company wasa Dec. 29 downgrade by UBS analysgt Ronald Barone, to “neutral” from “buy” on In the fourth quarter of last net income increasedby 81.7 percent to $408 million, or $1.02 a share, from $224 million, or 56 cents a share, in 2007. Earningw for that quarter were $361 or 90 cents a share, up from $284 or 72 cents a for the same quarterin 2007.
FPL Group attributedc its success to record earnings at its NextEraqEnergy Resources, formerly FPL Energy, the largest generator of wind and solar power in Norty America. It reported fourtnh quarter net incomeof $265 or 66 cents a up from $72 million, or 18 centz a share, in the prior-year quarter. Last FPL Group said it had signed a deal with to supply it with solar photovoltaic panels and proprietarytracking systems. San Calif.-based SunPower also committed to locating a researcn and development center in Florida if the state continuezs to expandsolar programs.
Over the past three FPL’s stock swung from a high of about $52 in earlhy February down to justbelow $42 in mid-Marcuh and back up to about $52 in earl April. Shares were up $1.15 to $51.57 in midday trading. The 52-weeik high was $68.98 on May 2, 2008. The 52-weeok low was $33.81 on Oct. 10.
Friday, March 2, 2012
An unsatisfying settlement - The Register-Guard | An unsatisfying settlement The Register-Guard A settlement awarding $1.5 million to the estate of Jeanette Marie Maples serves as a grating reminder that there is no adequate measure of justice for the murdered Eugene teenager. Not in this world, anyway. The same can be said of the death sentence ... Oregon settles Jeanett e Maples wrongful death lawsuit for $1.5 million Oregon To Pay $1.5M In Torture Death Lawsuit State agrees to pay $1.5 million in Jeanette Maples' wrongful death suit |