Monday, November 12, 2012

AMP-Ohio was cleared to received a $30 million bridge loan to help fund construction ofa $3 billionb generating station in Meigs County. Constructiom on the coal-fired plant, whichn has clinched an OK from the and key approvalsd from thestate , is set for latedr this year. The company said in a statement that it considerzs the state stimulus loan a major factor in breakingb groundon schedule. AMP-Ohio said the project will employabouyt 1,600 during a more than four-year constructionh process and about 160 when operational.
Strickland in a statementy on Tuesday saidthe AMP-Ohio project and a facility in Perrysburg in line for a $10 million loan are “great examples of how investinf in advanced energy technologiezs is stimulating Ohio’s economy.” Just how advanced the energyg at the AMP-Ohio project will be has been a poin t of contention between the nonprofit wholesale powe r supplier and opponents. The project has drawn fire amid worriezs that it would release air pollutantsaand won’t employ the latest clean-coak technology. But company executives have argued that the plant will use emission controls that will make it amonf the cleanest facilities ofits kind.
The Powert Siting Board, which reviews requestsz for large electric and natural gas facilities inthe state, struck an agreemeng late last year with AMP-Ohio and the state attornehy general’s office over environmentap and economic concerns about the The loans to AMP-Ohio and Willard & Kelseyg are part of $150 million headed to companiex around the state through the job-creation stimulus package signed last Of that, $84 millio n is headed to non-coal technology projects while $66 million is earmarked for so-called clean-coal projects.

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