Sunday, April 24, 2011

Port to sell land to Keystone Coal - Kansas City Business Journal:
owner Tom Scholl will pay $6.6 million for the propertyh and pay hisown attorney’s legal fees of $6.6 which the authority was ordered to pay. Underd the arrangement, Scholl won’t pursue legal action against the authority for alleged businesse lost when the 70 acres at the northernn terminal of Talleyrand Avenues were under threat of eminent Jacksonville Port Authority Executive Director Rick Ferrin said a bulk materialds terminal could have been builrt on the38 acres, but the authority decided to sell due to its need for capitak and desire to focus on building Ltd’s terminak at Dames Point.
He addedf that the economic impact of the 38 acres would be greater if it was combined with the other 68 Keystone Coal plans to builda $20 million coal terminalp on part of its 78-acrde parcel. The authority bought the 38 acree forabout $5.7 million from Jax LLC. Followinbg the $61 million verdict for the 70 acre s of land andthe authority’s balking on the price, Judgde Richard Watson ordered the authorit to pay $10.5 million to lawyers who defendedf Keystone. Keystone’s lead counsel Andrew Brighamk said he reduced the attorney fees by 40 percent from $10.5 million to better help Keystone and the authority reach a deal.

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