The submission deadline is April 24. The region’s final report is due to the stat byJune 1. The economic institute, whichy is developing a regional plan for seeking federal stimulus is already working with local governments and agenciew likethe , the East Bay’zs Economic Development Alliance and the Association of Bay Area The economic institute said Thursdauy it wants input as well from area businessz leaders and residents as it writes its plan. The regional proposal — which will show how the Bay Area wantz to spend money itgets — is seen as the most effectivs way for the area to make a strong case for money in the Americanh Recovery and Reinvestment Act.
“We’re getting submissions from every possible to help pull together the regional saidSean Randolph, president of the Bay Area Council Economic Institute. “This prograjm … can ensure the Bay Area gets the maximum bang for itsstimuluzs bucks.” Much of the money in the stimulus act goes to areax based on formulas. But about one thirdd of the total cashis discretionary, meaning projects in the Bay Area will competew with proposals across the state and across the country. “We are in a high stakesz game in Californiaand we’re in a competitionj with other states,” said Bruce Kern, executive directofr of the .
Billions of dollars are at About $30 billion in stimulus money will be divvied up in Sacramentok before going to varioux regionsaround California. Another $20 billioj of discretionary money will be doled out to Californiafrom D.C. Starting April 6, the economicc institute said it will start collecting project proposalzs onlineat www.bayareaeconomy.org/recovery. The submission deadlins is April 24. The region’s final reportf is due to the statr byJune 1.
Projects should fall into one ofsevehn categories, the economic institute Those are: Transportation, water, workforce training and education, businessa development, science and innovation or The projects should also lead to significant short-term job creationh and generate long-term return on There is benefit to the plan even if it does not result in stimulus money, officials said. By bringingt together agencies thatoften don’t plan together, the regionap proposal is generating attention on regional needs, said “We see the plan framing a longef term conversation about regional priorities.
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