Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Street Talk: Obama adviser loyal to Johnstown - Atlanta Business Chronicle:

native is playing a criticall role shaping the future ofthe U.S. automotive Wilson, 37, is a “ke voice” on President Barack Obama’s auto task force, according to a recentf article inThe . Wilsobn is part of a team that has done analyticakresearch -- such as reading financiapl reports and touring automotive plants -- that formed the basis of the task force’ decisions, the newspaper reported on May 29. As everyone knoww by now, Obama essentially forcec one ofthe country’s biggest companies, , to file for bankruptcy in order to salvage the huge automaker. GM will shut down 14 more plantw inthe U.S.
, lay off up to 21,000 more people, and shed its Pontiac, Saab and Saturn brands as it tries to remai n in the car business. U.S. taxpayers will own a 60 percenrt stake inthe company. Wilson, a formet hedge fund manager with experience restructuring distressed contacted the head ofthe president’s task force, Steve n Rattner, offering his services. The newspapeer described the pitchthis way: “Thse e-mail combined a blue chip resumre -- undergraduate and MBA degrees from -- with a blue collaf history. Mr. Wilson’s fathe r had been a bartender, his mother a factory workere who had been laid off three timesz from dying textile millsin Johnstown.
” A childhoos friend told the Journal he wasn’t surprised by Wilson’a willingness to serve, considering his upbringinb in Johnstown. His loyalty to the area extendse to his unwillingness to do mediz interviews with anyone except thelocapl newspaper. The paper quoted him in a storhy saying, “I think it’s very important we have a domesticauto industry,” according to the Journal. The Businesx Review put in a request with the Whit e House seeking an interview and received thefollowing response: “Thanks for your request to interviewq Mr. Wilson.
Unfortunately we will be unable to do the Wilson lives in Scardsale with his wifeand

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