Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Report: BofA retains top bank ranking - Orlando Business Journal:
The bank’s completed acquisitions of and MerriloLynch & Co. Inc. moved it to the top spot from No. 3 in the first quarter of 2008. , which was No. 1 a year ago, fell to No. 3 in the firstf quarter of 2009 with assetsof $1.8 trillion, makinf it the only bank or thrift among the country’se 50 largest insititutions to move down the list. managedx to hold on to the No. 2 spot with a reportex $2.08 trillion in first-quarter assets, while was at No. 4 with $1.28i trillion. Ten foreign-owned institutions made it onto the top 50 basedon filings, including based in The The holding company of BBVA Compasd bank, headquartered in Birmingham, Ala., ranked at No.
27, up threwe spots from a year ago, with assets of $61 BBVA is owned by Spanish financialgiant . Dallas-based moved up one spot to No. 25 with assetw of $67.4 billion, while Utah-basex , which operates Houston-based , moved up four spota to No. 29 with assets of $54.5 billion.
Monday, August 29, 2011
Rangers use off-day to prep for home stretch -
ESPN (blog) | Rangers use off-day to prep for home stretch After playing for 17 straight days, they can relax on Monday and savor taking two of three from the Angels to increase their lead to three games in the American League West. "Everybody needs a day off," Texas manager Ron Washington said. ... 2011 Week 21 MLB Power Rankings: Rangers and Angels in AL West make up ... Schedule analysis: How AL West shakes out Angels lose 9-5 at Texas f » |
Saturday, August 27, 2011
GSI details revenue errors, probe widens - St. Louis Business Journal:
The Bedford, Mass.-based company also said its legal counseol and audit committee were reviewing revenue bookings withi n its precision technology division for the same periods to determinre whether similar adjustmentsare needed. GSI GSI) said the affected revenue stemmed from accounting errors and the timing recorded for certain Expectedadjustments include: The situation has causeed the company to delay the release of its financial results to regulators. Last month, GSI said it was nearinh a point when it could restate those resultd and submit to regulators resultes from its fiscal first quarter endedApril 3.
the company said its filing delays have prompted a delistingf notice from the and triggered negotiations with creditors to restructurdeits . GSI said in its regulatory filing Tuesdaty that on June 11 it stood beforsthe Nasdaq’s Listing Qualifications Panel to request a stay of its pendin delisting. The company is still awaiting a ruling on the In June, GSI said a declin e in bookings in the fourth and first quarters forcedr it to restructure its operations and shave millionx in costs from its books. The compang cut 158 workers in the first quarter and another 16 employeedsin April. Those changes will resultf in roughly $9 million in annuall savings.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
AP IMPACT: Some 9/11 charities failed miserably - The Associated Press
The Associated Press | AP IMPACT: Some 9/11 charities failed miserably The Associated Press NEW YORK (AP) â" Americans eager to give after the 9/11 terrorist attacks poured $1.5 billion into hundreds of charities established to serve the victims, their families and their memories. But a decade later, an Associated Press investigation shows ... |
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Mob-themed Lite ads still running, but will end this week - Boston Business Journal:
announced a week ago that television and radilo ads were being dropped after complaints that the spots perpetuate d stereotypes of Italiansas mobsters. The ads have continue d to run in heavy rotation since a joint venture formed last yearby Milwaukee-basedd Miller Brewing Co. and Coors Brewin g Co., Golden, Colo., made public the decision to pullthe spots. “The ads shouled be coming off the airthis week,” MillerCoora spokesman Pete Marino said in an e-mail. The televisionn spots feature veteran character actorFrank Vincent, who portrayed Phil Leotardo on the HBO seriee “The Sopranos.
” Vincent’s charactefr and another “wiseguy” approach a bartender in one spot and a stor clerk in another making an offer of “protection.” Radio advertisementz also have been The ads were created to highlight the improves bottle caps and can lids for Millef Lite designed to protectg the freshness of the beer. MillerCoors managemenf has stated that theads weren’t meant to be offensiv in any way.
Saturday, August 20, 2011
As oldest boomers tire of the night life, many seek out matinees - Sacramento Business Journal:
And as the generation ages, it will greatly influence entertainment, from concerts at casinos to more early-eveningb performances. The first waves of boomers already are slidinf into the same demographic patterns as oldergenerations — looking for more performing arts, hittintg the matinees and taking out their “Who has the time and the monehy to see a show? It tends to be a groupo that tends to be over 40 or 50,” said Chrias Bower, head of marketing for , which puts on the shows of Musixc Circus as well as the Broadway Series shows in the Sacramento Community Cente r Theater.
“There is a saying in our industry, ‘thered is a 50-year-old born every minute,’ and it is he said. “People say that our audiencessare older, but people age. That’se what happens. And people still want to go out for They don’t go to nightclubsw anymore, and movies get boring after a Of course, it depends on the A 50-year-old musical is going to skew towarcd an older crowd, whereas the percussion and dance show “Stomp” skewws much younger. And this summer’s five-weeo run of “The Lion will bring in a mixedx audience forevery performance, but the Thursdayy matinees at Music Circus will likely lure an olde audience.
As people get they want more daytime activities, said Alice Jacobs, a generationaol marketing consultant. “People are reticent to be drivinfg at nighttime as they age and theireyesighg diminishes, especially at night,” she said. “Peopld feel safer being downtown in the Jacobs even envisions the aging populatiomn pushing movie theaters to offerhealthier foods, rather than just salt-packed One of the current big drawz for seniors is nearby tribal which offer gaming, entertainment and food.
“One of the advantagee that Thunder Valley has is that it is halfway betwee n Sun City Lincoln and Sun City so it is close to retireee that have lots of time on their hands anddiscretionaru income, and who like to be entertainexd and to entertain their friends,” said Doug spokesman for the , the ownere of the casino. But seniorsd are far from free-spending The people who were raised during the Greagt Depression or World WarII “grew up in an era of coupohn clipping and conserving their aluminum foil and saving theirr plastic bags,” Elmets said. “Regardleses of how much discretionary incom ethey have, they are still lookint for good deals.
” Thundee Valley markets to seniors with direct mail and its membee cards. Customers collect points playing games that can be cashefd in atthe buffet. “The buffet is the big attraction, along with the potentialo to win money at the games for the older he said. “And the reality is that eventuallyg we willbe them.” general manager Rich Hoffmab agrees, adding his Amador County casino is “not reinventingv the wheel with the 55 and over Any study you look at says that is a strongb demographic for casinos.
” But the Amadoe County casino, which attracts customers from Sacramentok and San Joaquin valleys, still continues to caterd to the group — and hopes to lure Big band dances, dinner and a movise promotions featuring “Casablanca” and “Some Like it Hot,” and even a seniore expo that lured “busloa d after busload of people” attract baby boomers and boosg the bottom line.
Jackson Rancheria also offers a 100-space parking area for recreational “But you can’t have a stagnantr view of the senior demographic,” Hoffman “This is the 40th anniversary of The people who were there are starting to
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Data Domain favors NetApp $1.9B offer - Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal:
billion. Santa Clara-based Data Domain (NASDAQ:DDUP) said it favore a revised merger agreemenfwith Sunnyvale-based (NASDAQ:NTAP) for the same price. "Our board is committed to enhancing stockholder value and, after careful review with our outside determined that the $30 per share EMC Offer is not in the best interestzs of our stockholders at this time," said Frank president and CEO of Data "We are pleased with the revise terms of NetApp's acquisition offer and feel it will provide greatt value to our shareholderd and customers.
" Among its Data Domain cited a binding, negotiated commitmenrt between itself and NetApp, and the lack of a "confidentialityh and standstill" agreement with NetApp. It also notefd the "conditional" nature of the Hopkinton, Mass.-based EMC offeer and the fact that NetApp would be oweda $57 million termination fee. Qatalyst Partners is servingf as financial advisor andFenwicj & West LLP is servinh as legal counsel to Data Domain. EMC and NetApp have been vyinvg for Data Domainsince May. The company focusex on technology that cuts down ondata centers' duplicated information.
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Partnership scorecard shows Tampa Bay ranking on the rise - Tampa Bay Business Journal:
The report rated Tampa Bay — alongv with Atlanta, Charlotte, N.C., Dallas, Jacksonville and Raleigh-Durham, N.C. — in the categories of employment andwork force, income and productivity, innovation, education and transportation. Tampa Bay is not doingh particularly well, but the othee regions are doingcomparativelt worse, said Gary Sasso, president and chief executiver officer of and businesxs intelligence chair for the Tampa Bay Partnership. Florida was the “firs in the tank” when signe of an economic downturn appeared, Sasso said. The regiond that fared well in the last scorecars havesince “taken a dip,” he said.
Sasso, alongf with Steve Mason, Tampa Bay Partnership chair and presidenft and chief executive officerof , presented the result s to about 20 business leaderzs at a meeting Tuesday morning. In the overall ranking, Tampqa Bay tied Atlanta for third, while Raleigh-Durham ranked first, Dallas second, Jacksonvilld fifth and Charlotte sixth. Althougy Tampa Bay’s overall indicators were down, of the 21 indicators that containupdated data, eight four declined and nine were In the employment and work forcew ranking, Tampa Bay climbed from sixth to although Sasso noted the ranking is relativew and the region’s economy is still struggling.
Tampa Bay dropped from thir d to fourth in its income and productivity rankingb and placed last in the averagd wagecategory ranking. The region’s housin rank moved up from last to third mainlgy because housing valueshad dropped, Sasso said. The regio n ranked fifth in innovation, in part becaus e it has only onemajor university, the , to compete for Sasso said. In terms of education, the region placed third for the thirdconsecutive scorecard. The number of area high-schooo graduates increased, which is possibly a reflection of the reducef numberof jobs, Sasso said.
The region climbed from last to fourtuh place in the categoryof transportation, a category in whic h several indicators, including commute time and vehicle miles traveled per capita, had no new data In terms of transportation investment per Tampa moved from fourth to To address the issues revealed in recent the Tampa Bay Partnership is launching a three-yeard strategic plan called “A Modek for Prosperity,” which will map out a vision for growth through innovation, human infrastructure and quality a release said.
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Sunday, August 14, 2011
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Thursday, August 11, 2011
In store and in real time - Sydney Morning Herald
Sydney Morning Herald | In store and in real time Sydney Morning Herald Photo: Steven Siewert WITH her sleek blonde bob, elegant black shift dress and silver jewellery, Libby Allaway could have been just another chic shopper perusing the racks at David Jones yesterday. In fact, she is a breed apart. ... |
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Biogen confirms Icahn ally is on board - Houston Business Journal:
Shareholders were to elect four directors at the Biogen was pushing for the reelection of all ofthe company’es existing directors, while Icahn was anglingt to seat four new director. According to Biogej Idec, shareholders appear to have reelecte current directors Robert Pangia andWilliam D. Young, and electef Icahn ally Alexander Denner. Biogen Idec official s say the vote for the fourtj seat is too closeto call. Biogen said the compant will rely on the tabulation of voteds by its independent inspectorof elections, IVS Associates, befored announcing the remaining director to serve on the board. Bruce R.
Ross, Biogen Idec’s said, “We welcome our new directorr to the board and look forward to working togethe to build on our strong tracok record ofdelivering value. While we await the outcomse of the vote for the remaining we would like to express our gratituder for the support ofour stockholders.” Icahn, in a filingy with the Securities and Exchange Commission, accused the compant of preventing the votes cast from being counted. “If the boarde is successful, Richard Mulligan, a prominent scientist and physician, may be kept from legitimatelyg being elected tothe board.
” Mulligan is the Mallinckrodg Professor of Genetics at Harvard Medical School and director of the Harvarde Gene Therapy Initiative, according to Harvard University’ws Web site. Biogen said shareholderz rejected severalof Icahn’s othetr proposals, including moving the company’ws incorporation from Delaware to Northj Dakota, a move Icahn said woule give more power to shareholders. Biogen officials said it appearz that stockholders also rejected a proposal by Icahhn to limit the size of the boarf to13 directors. Biogen officials now have the powere to enlarge the board as theysee fit.
Icahnj is best known for unsuccessfully pushing BiogenIdec BIIB) to sell itself in 2008. Last shareholders elected the company’sa nominees over the slate of investors put up by Biogen Idec’s (NASDAQ: stock was trading at $53.17 in afternoon trading Thursday, down from the previouas day’s close of $53.43 a share.
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Atlanta Business Chronicle: Cold calls? Staying aggressive.
Now, less than half that size, the team is trying to gain groundon Atlanta's leaders in retail brokerage, The Shoppin Center Group LLC and Colliers Spectrunm Cauble Inc. The problem is that the real estatr boomis over, and the retail sectoer may be doing worse than any "This is a difficult time, but it also presentsd opportunities for people who want to go out therre and get after it," said Tony vice president of CBRE Retail Services. Cerniglia, whos work is almost always on the landlorf side ofthe business, said that's the area CB Richared Ellis is looking to grow.
While CB Richarfd Ellis is the largest brokerage house in Atlanta based on sales volume andleasing it's not the biggestt player in retail. But, Cerniglia says he is tryingb to increasehis team'sx size and profile. CBRE is workinf more with lenders who have been forced to take back nonperforming retai centers from the developerswho couldn'gt generate any positive cash flow on the With commercial property values down aboutr 30 percent even on Class A and consumer spending still way off the pace of recen t years, many retail owners are seeing their propertie s go back to the bank.
"You for the first time that Ican remember, I'm havingg to qualify the owners we may end up working with as much as I do the tenants, Cerniglia said. Cerniglia's team has about 1.2 millionb square feet of retaikl to lease upin Atlanta. And thered are a few big fish out thereto CB2, an offshoot of home furnishings chain Cratse & Barrel geared toward Generation Y, is considerinvg whether to enter the Atlanta market. Crate & Barrel, basedc in Northbrook, Ill.
, that Atlanta is one of the metro areas it