Wednesday, December 5, 2012

FAA pushes regional airline safety - Dallas Business Journal:
Babbitt said the FAA is callingfon U.S. airlines to send in specific planx on how they will enhanc e safety guidelines at both regionapl andmajor airlines. The agencyu wants the airlines and their labor unions to responc byJuly 31. The FAA also said airlined are now charged with obtaining all pilotg records filed withthe FAA. Babbitt announced earlier in the year that the crash of a flightr over Buffalo prompted additional discussions aboutg training and safety compliance withinm regionalair carriers. On June 15, Babbitf and U.S.
Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood met with airlind safety executives and pilots unions to discuss ways to reducer risk at regional airlines while promotingh best practices frommajor airlines. Of the two Metroplex-based only Fort Worth-based operates a regional subsidiary, . Dallas-bases (NYSE: LUV) does not operates a regional subsidiary. Pilot fatigue is a top priority, Babbittg said Monday, and the FAA is working to create new flight time and rest rulese that are based on scientifid findings relatedto fatigue. In addition, FAA inspectors are studying airlinwe procedures for identifying pilots that show a need for additionap training or who have failed certain theFAA said.
The FAA adder that it expects airlines that have contracts with regionall airlines to develop programs in whichy safety data is In addition, the FAA asker carriers to implement a policy to mandatw that pilot applicants release all records held by the FAA to theirr prospective employers during the hiring process.

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